“The right relationships keep you on the right track. The wrong relationships will distract. ”
As we grow through life, we come across people and energies that will not only present themselves as challenges but, as decisions as well. Sometimes, we fail to see past a person's actions or habits, ultimately making the decision to hinder our own growth. This can be detrimental to our own health, body, and mind. Your energy and intentions attract what you want the most - by surrounding yourself with people and energies that resonate with the same positivism, you can attract positive manifestations. However, here are five type of energies to be mindful of:
Irresponsible People
There are people who are unable to assume the responsibility for their actions. Even so, they maybe prone to blaming others for their own mistakes. These type of people will have a negative influence on your life. They may not be able to change their attitude, and because of this, you will sacrifice your positive energy for their lack of commitment. Understand that you deserve better! If it's possible, you can try expressing how their habits make you uncomfortable. But if this doesn't spark a need for change, then avoiding them, their problems and their responsibilities is what's best for your peace.
Self-Destructive People
Sometimes when you express how someone made you feel, some people tend to become defensive in pointing out their lapses of judgment. They seek pity, help and attention, but most times they're not really interested in solving their own problems. Self-destructive people have no interest in growing or changing for the better. They’re simply content with complaining and living their lives in misery over and over again. The worst thing, however, is that even if you want to help them, you won’t be able to do much. If it’s their habit to offer excuses for their behaviors, it's out of your control. Again, simply avoiding them is best.
Criticizing People
No one is perfect, and once we commit to growth, going through changes and learning from our mistakes is inevitable. However, just because you have your flaws that you’re struggling to overcome, it doesn’t mean that someone should point them out to you all the time. There is a difference between expressing one’s concern honestly and constructively, and pointing out the weakness in order to attack someone. If one of your friends is quick to emphasize your flaws and frequently criticizes your behavior, you are dealing with a toxic person that you should definitely avoid. Otherwise, you will risk that person wearing down your self-esteem and bringing down your own energy.
Energy Draining People
These people (or things) are also known as "energy vampires", and they come in many forms. Some people like to be pitied for problems they cannot solve, while others like to constantly speak badly about other people. Some will try to control your opinions about topics, and others will point out all the flaws in your behavior. Some might seek company in judging others, or challenge you every time you cross paths. But what they all have in common is that after every interaction with them you feel emotional, mental fatigue and stress. Do yourself a favor and chose what's best for your energy - avoid them.
Jealous & Envious People
You might know a person who tends to minimize your accomplishments or strengths in order to make themselves feel better. Or someone who may secretly show resentment by downplaying your abilities and accomplishments. Jealously and envy will never aid you or anyone else in growth. You don’t need these kinds of toxic people in your life. Avoid people these kind of people and traits because they will not serve for your best intentions - they can’t appreciate your hard work, simply because they can’t put so much effort into things they love. Real friends and things will always be meant for you and be genuinely happy for you. They won’t try to diminish your happiness with negative reactions. They will never try to make you feel guilty for sharing your happiness with them.
Avoid the five types of toxic personalities and you’ll be on your way to creating a harmonious and balanced social environment that serves to boost your strengths and helps you to lead a peaceful and happy life.