The truth is, you can affect your home environment in the same way that your home environment can affect you. With this in mind, ask yourself how do you feel when you get home? Relieved? Happy? Overwhelmed? Sometimes we can get caught up in the outside world and bring these energies into our own space. Our home should be a place where we can recharge and refresh yourself from the day. It's necessary to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere at home to invite positive energies and manifestations..
Here are a few simple things you can do improve your home positive environment:
Declutter Your Home: Clutter adds chaos to the mind on an unconscious level. Tasks left undone can weigh on your mind even while you're away from home, so always follow a plan to keep things in place and get rid of the things that you don't need any more - donate, if possible. Just like you, your home needs to breathe too! So focus on quality, not quantity and create space.
Letting That Sunlight In : Similar to when we have to take a walk and clear our mindset, our house does the same. Again, the energy you want is the energy you create. By opening the windows daily, allowing fresh energy and rejuvenating sunlight in, we allow space for positive energy too!
Nurturing plants: Whether its a live plant or fake plants, having natural beauty around and keeping some greenery indoors has an energizing effect. Not only do they calm the mind, but live plants also re-oxygenate the air and eliminate noxious gases, giving you a sigh of relief.
Get Rid of Bad Mojo: Decorate your home with mementos that are reminders of good times and get rid of items that are associated with negative, undesirable feelings. Add more of the things that make you smile, to boost and nurture positive vibes. Personally, I enjoy paintings, candles, vases that I painted, flowers, etc.; but, whatever is best you will work!
Acknowledging Your Five Senses: Once you get home, your five senses should become positively stimulated. A nice aroma of food, some essential oil, the sound of relaxing music, the sight of energizing plants and fresh flowers, clean homes and pets all add to the joy of getting home.